Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Making and Taking Virtual Field Trips in Pre-K and the Primary Grades

     Kirchen, Dennis J.  (2011, November).  “Making and taking virtual field trips in pre-k and the primary  grades.”  YC Young Children, 66, 22-26.

     The article “Making and Taking Virtual Field Trips in Pre-K and the Primary Grades” by Dennis Kirchen discusses virtual field trips in the classroom setting along with their benefits and limitations.  “A virtual field trip (VFT) is a technology-based experience that allows children to take an educational journey without leaving the classroom.  These multimedia presentations bring the sights, sounds, and descriptions of distant places to learners” (Kirchen, 2011).  Children are able to learn about and explore places that may not be possible to visit due to cost, time, transportation, safety, and/or feasibility.  
     The article explains the two types of virtual field trips- predeveloped VFTs and teacher made VFTs.  Predeveloped VFTs can be found through various websites on the internet.  Predeveloped VFT are already created and set up, but the limitation is that they cannot be modified.  It is important teachers preview the VFT to see if it is age and content appropriate for their students.   Teacher created VFTs take a lot of time for teachers to put together and prepare, but it allows the teacher the ability to customize a field trip that is age and content appropriate while incorporating features specific to his/her students’ interests.

     Virtual field trips have several benefits that Kirchen describes in this article.  When a traditional field trip is not possible, VFTs give teachers an alternative tool to provide their students with knowledge and experience.  Teachers can take their students anywhere using VFTs- out of state or outer space.  Virtual field trips give teachers control of the learning experience.  They can be sure the field trip is meeting the intended standards and/or learning objectives.  In the article Kirchen discussed a time a teacher took her class to the zoo, because they were learning about lions.  When they got to the zoo, the lions were not on display that day.  Using VFTs teachers are sure their field trip is giving their students the intended experience that aligns with their learning objectives.

     Limitations of VFTs include improper use and accessibility.  Kirchen says teachers should not use VFTs to replace a traditional field trip or just to use technology.  It should be incorporated into a unit of study that involves a variety of activities and experiences.  Another limitation is accessibility.  VFTs require the use of technology that may not be accessible to some teachers.  The teacher must also have technological skills to facilitate and/or make a VFT. 

     VFTs can benefit and enhance student learning in ways that would not otherwise have been possible.  When facilitating a VFT in your classroom, it is important to prepare for the trip just as you would a traditional field trip.  Students should be exposed to pre and post activities to enhance and optimize their experience. 

     This article stood out to me, because my district recently limited the number of field trips a class could take to one per school year.  Some schools/classes in the district would take 2-3 field trips per year, while other schools/classes only had the means to afford one.   The district did this to create fairness and consistency across the district.  Working in low income school, I have a lot of students who have not yet been given the opportunity to explore outside their neighborhood.  A lot of my students have never been to the city, visited a farm, swam at beach, or saw animals at the zoo.  Not having these experiences, they lack background knowledge and understanding of these places.  Background knowledge effects students’ comprehension of a text.  I think virtual field trips would be a great way to build students’ background knowledge and give them the opportunity to learn about and explore places they have never been.  For example, our reading program has a reading unit that is based around life in a big city.  Incorporating a VFT to Chicago would be a fun, engaging way to build students’ knowledge of city life prior to reading.  My school did a school-wide Under the Sea unit to prepare for an “Under the Sea Literacy Extravaganza” family night.  A VFT accessed online, made by the teacher, or through the use of Google Expedition would have been a great culminating activity to conclude our under the sea unit.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Teaching With Technology: Step Back and Hand Over the Camera! Using Digital Cameras to Facilitate Mathematics Learning With Young Children in K-2 Classrooms

Northcote, M.  (2011). “Teaching with Technology:  Step back and hand over the cameras!  Using digital cameras to facilitate mathematics learning with young children in K-2 classrooms.”  Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 16 (3), 29-32.

     In this article, Maria Northcote discusses ways to enhance mathematic instruction through the use of digital cameras.  At the beginning of the school year, Maria gives each student the opportunity to take home a digital camera for one night.  It is the student’s responsibility to take photos of math that are present in their life as well as their family’s lives.  Maria compiles these photos to later use and incorporate into future math lessons, activities, and games throughout the school year.  This project gives Northcote insight into her students’ perception of math.  Students’ photographs for the use of instruction and activities “provide them with a familiar context in which to situate their mathematics learning” (Northcote, 2011, p. 30).

     Northcote then describes ways she incorporates digital cameras into her lessons throughout the school year.  Examples of students’ digital camera use: Northcote has her students take pictures of each other’s shoes or hair to then make a pictorial graph.  When learning about shapes, she has her students take pictures of shapes they see in the classroom. She uses the students’ photographs during learning games to practice identifying and describing the shapes of objects.  Northcote’s students also take pictures of a collection of objects at home, school, or in the environment when practicing counting groups of objects.  She saves these pictures and uses them for students to write story problems in their math journals when studying addition and/or subtraction. 

     Northcote found by integrating digital cameras into the classroom, students were more involved in the learning process.  Use of digital cameras “can increase participation in classroom activities to a level where children are valued as active contributors to the classroom learning environment” (Northcote, 2011, p.32).

     While reading, I was able to make a connection to the learning activity described at the beginning of the article.  In one of my elementary education reading courses, our first assignment was to go home and do a “literacy dig.”  The next day we were to bring in pictures or objects from our everyday lives that had print.  This was a powerful literacy activity that demonstrated the importance of literacy skills as text is all around us in our everyday lives.  I think this same activity would be a great way to introduce why we learn math at school.  Students will sometimes question and ask “Why do we have to know this?”  The teacher can use this activity and refer back to the pictures the students took to show them math is all around us and a part of our daily lives. 

     The use of digital cameras is an interesting way to incorporate technology into math.  According to the article, “Handing over cameras to young children can increase their level of ownership and interest in the process of learning about mathematics” (Northcote, 2011, p. 30).  Students’ interest and motivation for learning increases when they are able to make connections and relate to the lesson.  Digital cameras allow students to be active participants in the learning process.  

Shared Reading Goes High Tech

Child, P. “Shared reading.” Reading Rockets.  Retrieved from: /strategies/sharedreading
Gill, S. & Chhanda Islam, R. (2011).  “Shared reading goes high tech.”  Reading Teacher, 65 (3),   224-227. 

     According to an article from Reading Rockets, shared reading  is “an interactive reading experience that occurs when students join in or share the reading of a book or other text while guided and supported by a teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression. The shared reading model often uses oversized books (referred to as big books) with enlarged print and illustrations (Child).”   In a primary classroom, shared reading is a critical component of daily literacy instruction.  Shared reading benefits students by increasing and enhancing students’ literacy skills.  The article, “Shared Reading Goes High Tech” by Sharon Gill and Ruth Chhanda Islam, discusses ways to incorporate interactive whiteboards into shared reading instruction.  The authors note using interactive whiteboards for shared reading experience is convenient for teachers and engaging for students (Gill &Islam, 2011).
     Shared reading is often taught using large text or a big book.  This allows students to follow along with the text during choral reading to improve students’ fluency and understanding of print.  According to Gill and Chhanda, rather than spending money on big books and posters, and/or taking the time to write out text, teachers can conveniently enlarge text using a document camera and projector making the text large enough for all students to see (2011).  Teachers also have the option of creating visually appealing PowerPoint slides to display the text and an option to include images (Gill &Chhanda, 2011).
     Post reading, teachers use the text to practice reading skills and strategies with their students.  The teacher may ask students to locate sight words, find word patterns, identify phonic skills, or sequence sentences.  Interactive whiteboards have multiple, engaging tools that are readily available for student to interact with the text.  Students can engage with print by magnifying word, highlighting, using colored pens, or moving text by dragging (Gill and Islam, 2011).  Gill and Islam provide sample lesson incorporating these tools into lessons- touching and dragging lines of a poem to sequence and put the poem in order, using the highlighting tool to highlight sight word, or using the drawing tool to cover a word and have students try to figure out the word using context clues (2011).   “IWBs get students' attention because the board incorporates the sights, sounds, and stimulation that different types of learners thrive on.  Many teachers feel that the bright, colorful print, especially if it moves and makes a sound, captures students' attention, maintains their concentration, and motivates them to learn (Gill & Islam, 2011).”
     I think that interactive whiteboards would be a beneficial tool for carrying out shared reading instruction.   It provides another format for students to view and interact with text in a format other than a book or a pocket chart.  Students are motivated by technology, and I feel lessons using the interactive whiteboards engage students in learning and increase participation in the lessons Once a week my class gets to use a SMARTboard during LMC.  All of my students want to be called to participate therefore, they are motivated to focus and pay increase attention to on the lesson or activity at hand. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why Teachers Love ClassDojo for Classroom Management?

Bharti, B. (2014, June 8).  Why teachers love ClassDojo for classroom management?  
     EdTechReview.  Retrieved from

     The article “Why Teachers Love ClassDojo” gives a quick overview of what ClassDojo is and how it works.  ClassDojo is online classroom management tool for teachers to track student behavior.  Teachers set up an online classroom and assign each of their students an avatar.  Teachers can reinforce positive behavior by rewarding students points and/or deduct points for undesired behavior.  The students are notified why they were awarded or deducted a point. 

     The article then highlights 3 benefits of integrating ClassDojo into the classroom.
1.    Improve Behavior- According to the article, student behavior improves due to the motivation to earn points.  When a point is earned, they are informed the reason for their point.  Students enjoy being noticed and recognized by their teacher for positive behavior.    
2.    Save Time-  Instructional time increases because the program allows teachers the ability to track and record student behavior in quick manner.  Students also transition quicker because they are motivated to be recognized for being ready to learn and earn points.   
3.    Communicate with Parents -Teachers also have the opportunity to communicate student behavior with parents via ClassDojo.  Teachers have the option of printing students’ weekly report to send home and/or parents are able to signup to be able to login to ClassDojo to view their child’s data.    

     I like the idea of utilizing ClassDojo as a management tool for the classroom.  My school uses the “Nurtured Heart Approach” with our students.  This approach is all about making the students feel noticed and recognizing their greatnesses to build their inner-self.  ClassDojo would work well and compliment the Nurtured Heart Approach by focusing more so on rewarding points rather than taking points away.  In my classroom, I currently recognize students’ greatness through verbal praise and hand out tickets to students who are SOARing.  (Students who SOAR are : safe, on-time and ready, accountable, and respectful).  When students aren’t making good choices, they are given a verbal reminder of the appropriate behavior. The past couple years I have been using a green/ yellow/ red card system.  If the student continues the behavior after the verbal warning, the student then has to pull a card.  Using this system, the student’s visual of themselves is negative.  They now see that they are “yellow.”  Whereas, the ClassDojo display is of the times the student has been recognized in a positive light.  “I have 8 points. I want to get 12.” vs. “I am in the yellow.  That means I wasn’t making good choices.”

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Benefit of Movement in Schools

Fiore, N.  (2014, April 8).  The benefits of movement in schools.  The Creativity Post.

     “The Benefits of Movement in Schools” written by Nina Fiore highlights the importance of including movement breaks into the classroom setting.  Fiore also discusses how little/reduced movement breaks can negatively affect students and the learning process.  In the article, Fiore argues the importance of teachers incorporating movement breaks throughout their students’ day as research shows all students can benefit regardless of their age, background, or learning style. 

     Throughout the article Fiore discusses that regular movement can benefit students in many ways.  Classrooms that encourage breaks and allow for active learning are more conducive settings for inclusion.  Students with special needs are not successful in classrooms where remaining seated for long periods of time is required.  In addition, movement breaks in the form of P.E. or recess promotes health and fitness.  According to Fiore’s findings regular breaks increases students’ engagement and interest in learning.  Increase in student engagement results in fewer behavior issues and more meaningful learning.

     Fiore has found that many schools today are not allotting opportunities for students to get up and move.  This is a result of schools focusing so heavily on assessment as well as teachers who expect their students to remain seated and quiet for hours at a time.  She argues this technique does not work and is harmful to students.  She believes the expectation for students to remain seated for hours at a time is not feasible and is the root of increased cases of ADD and causes behavior problems.  

     Movement breaks on a regular basis, according to Fiore, should be implemented in every classroom and a part of EVERY school’s policy.  Implementing regular movement breaks is easy and affordable.  Movement breaks can be lead through the use of technology (DVDs, podcasts, and apps) or by means of jumping jacks and simple stretches.  She suggests more memorable learning can come from teaching for 30 minutes and then taking a 10 minute break, rather than teaching for the whole 40 minutes.  Fiore (2014) explains, “The movement breaks cause a win-win situation, because the children are getting some exercise and regulation and, in addition, the shorter lessons are more easily remembered.  The movement itself also helps children focus and retain more information from the lesson.

     In my classroom, especially teaching kindergarten, I aim to incorporate movement breaks regularly throughout our daily schedule and during lessons as often as possible.  Movement breaks are crucial for keeping my students engaged and on task.  It creates a fun, positive, and cheery atmosphere for learning.  Positive classroom environments are motivating and engaging for students.
     In my classroom my class usually transitions between subjects areas using a movement break.  My class utilize GoNoodle online tool to facilitate our movement break activity.  The kids LOVE GoNoodle and look forward to trying activities.  GoNoodle movement break videos include dancing, breathing, yoga, stretching, and exercising.  The kindergartners love the class avatar that tracks their progress and grows as they complete a level of activity.   

     I also try to incorporate movement into daily lessons.  An example of a daily routine that involves movement is our counting routine during our calendar time.  My students stand up and we sing counting by 1s, counting by 10s, counting by 5s, and counting by 2s.  For each song there is a dance they do that goes along with the music and counting (1s- clap, 10s- robot dance, 5s- windshield wiper arms, 2s- bounce and hop like a bunny).

     I think movement breaks should be implemented into our school’s plan for indoor recess days.  We currently have the students watch a movie in the hallway.  I think GoNoodle would be the perfect tool to keep students moving and active even when they can’t be outside. 

How Can Technology Be Beneficial in a Kindergarten Class?

LoBello, K. (2015.)  How can technology be beneficial in a kindergarten 
      class? GlobalPost. Retrieved from    
     Karen LoBello, author of "How Can Technology Be Beneficial in a Kindergarten Class?” discusses ways to utilize technology and the benefits it can have on our youngest learners.  LoBello (2015) says, “While technology doesn’t take the place of vital, developmental play and hands-on learning, it adds to them, reinforcing traditional methods of teaching.”  We should not use technology to replace activities where students are engaged in hands-on learning experiences, such as forming letters using play dough, practicing writing sight words in sand, using counting bears to show how many, or building patterns using blocks.  Rather, it is crucial we use technology as a means of supplementing and adding to our lessons.  Doing this we can enhance our students’ learning experiences in a positive way. 
     LoBello says one benefit of technology integration in kindergarten is it increases student motivation.  She points out that although kindergarten students tend to have difficulty maintaining focus over periods of time, they can be motivated to stay interested in learning through interactive whiteboard activities, animated videos, and choosing their own educational program. 

     Another benefit of technology discussed in the article is its use for reinforcing and practicing classroom learning.  This can be accomplished through the use of interactive computer games and tablet apps that target specific skills such as letters, numbers, and counting.

     Technology also allows for differentiation in the classroom. Computer programs that allow students to “work at their own pace, receiving remediation when needed or moving ahead for a challenge” is a way of providing differentiation for students (LoBello, 2015).

     Lastly, LoBello argues that technology promotes collaboration.  She shares that collaborative opportunities can take place in the form of a group interactive whiteboard sorting activity or during a group discussion after listening to a book on tape.  Both, create meaningful opportunities for students work together while learning.    

     Being a kindergarten teacher, this article in particular caught my attention as it directly discusses ways technology benefits my students.  Kindergartners are young but have high expectations for learning.  It is important to provide our young learners with an environment and tools that are optimal for learning.  I agree with LoBello in the fact that technology is a beneficial tool for enhancing the teaching and learning of students.  While reading this article, I was able to make connections and think of specific times and examples when technology has increased motivation, reinforced learning, served as tool to differentiate learning, and/or encouraged collaboration in my classroom.   

   One tool I could always count on to motivate and interest my students were YouTube music videos by Have Fun Teaching.  I used these music videos each week as part of my routine for teaching the letter of the week.  My students looked forward to these videos and would ask to watch them over and over.  As soon as the catchy beat came on, my whole class would bop their bodies to the beat while singing along with video.  Not only were they engaged, interested and having fun, but they were also LEARNING! 

     Skill reinforcement and differentiation through technology occurred daily in my classroom during centers. The kindergartners got to use the classroom desktop computers two to three times a week.  At the computer center students were assigned  a specific program/activity to work on based on their level and needs- letter recognition, word families, rhyming, etc. Next year the kindergarten team will have subscriptions to ABC Mouse, Earobics, and Moby Max.  These are all computer programs where students work at their individual pace and move on when they are ready for the next skill.  I am excited to implement these programs during centers.

     Lastly, Brain Pop Jr. is an online resource that is effective in encouraging collaboration among my kindergartners.  I use it to learn about a person or topic of interest through an animated video.  After the video on the topic of study, there is an online quiz I use as a game.  My students would gather in small groups and collaborate with their peers to discuss the video and possible answers.  The kindergartners were motivated to answer correctly to beat the other teams.  It was fun to watch the students discuss with their peers and celebrate success through cheering and high fives.